1.金回り(かねまわり)financial standing (ex: 金回りがいい)
2.赴任(ふにん)new place of assignment (being posted somewhere else for a job)
3.解剖(かいぼう)dissection; autopsy
4.ミミズ earthworm
7.広大(こうだい) vast; extensive; magnificent; grant
8.開拓(かいたく)cultivate; pioneering/trailblazing
10.豪快(ごうかい)hearty; exciting; stirring; lively
11.直接的(ちょくせつてき)direct (ex: 直接的な関係はありません has no direct connection)
12.世界観(せかいかん)world view; outlook on the world
13.一攫千金(いっかくせんきん)getting rich quick
14. 危うい(あやうい)dangerous; risky; perilous
15.反骨精神(はんこつせいしん)rebellious spirit
16.嘲笑う(あざわらう)to ridicule/sneer at
17.ごとく like; as if; the same as (嘲笑うごとく as if ridiculing)
18.粋(いき)chic; stylish; sophisticated
19.しいて言(い)えば if anything; if I’m forced to say something
20.暴れる(あばれる)to be violent/riotous; to rage/struggle